Profiler Options

Website Options


Sound notifications will play a quick beep when a new change has happened to your profile.

Desktop notifications will cause a small pop-up that will give you information like an OA at the outpost and a full inventory.

Notifications Types

Outpost Attacks:

Boss Map Changes:

Inventory Full:

Save Profiler Changes:

Background Changer

The "Background Changer" feature was removed due to limitations of Local Storage. DFProfiler is moving to use Local Storage for storing settings as browser cookies have continued to lose traction in our modern world. This is because browser cookies have severe limitations due to the simple fact they're a neglected feature. Google Chrome has implemented a 400-day limit on cookies when setting their "expire" value. As much fun as it sounds to constantly re-save the cookie values on every single visit, it's easier to use a set-and-forget system. Part of this change is related to the way a browser reads cookies as well. The shorthand is, reading and setting cookies has continued to be a thorn. It's easier to move user settings to Local Storage than to deal with the limitations of browsers and the unwillingness of browsers to implement interfaces to automatically handle cookies.