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  • Weekly TS

  • Weekly TPK

  • All Time TS

  • All Time TPK

  • All Time Loots

  • Total Exp

All Time Records are a combination of all members' individual All Time scores and are not indicative of the clan's performance.


Username Level Rank Profession Weekly TS Weekly TPK Weekly Loots All Time TS All Time TPK All Time Loots GM Gaining Outpost Armor Total Exp Weapon 1 Weapon 2 Weapon 3
binxsquiremuldoon 40 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Doctor 0 0 0 3,266,172 90 723 No Yes Precinct 13 [exterminatormeshxt 24/24] 3,266,172
[slamfires4compact 7/5/1]

[forsakentitaniumblades 8/8/8]

[rg6 4/5/6]
BioRev14 240 TERMINATOR SQUAD Engineer 0 0 0 161,333,772 0 20,124 No Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 20/23] 1,597,445,905
[tn8flamethrower 8/8/8]

[bloodseeker 8/8/8]

[haretrigger47 8/8/8]
DarkWhite 236 TERMINATOR SQUAD Lawyer 0 0 0 166,448,943 220 13,653 No Yes Camp Valcrest [vengeanceguard 24/24] 1,512,640,014
[uwraithcannon 8/8/8]

[duskcarbine 8/8/8]

[duskstriker 8/8/8]
huntervn1 139 TERMINATOR SQUAD Police Officer 0 0 0 52,086,156 200 10,994 No Yes Secronom Bunker Apocalyptic Defense System [exterminatorreactivext 24/24] 465,135,250
[harvesterofsorrow 7/8/7]

[handtalon38 7/6/8]

[silverslugster 4/5/8]
jaimeman 272 ASSAULT SQUAD Boxer 0 0 0 206,941,320 780 6,756 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskmesh 15/22] 2,680,356,759
[harvesterofsorrow 7/2/4]

[northpoleaxe 5/6/8]

[paw20 7/7/7]
Kitaro Shibuga 55 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Lawyer 0 0 0 7,712,340 0 3,224 No Yes Secronom Bunker Sanguine Shield [exterminatorreactivext 24/24] 17,481,961
[vulcan 8/8/8]

[mg42 4/6/4]

[nodachi 6/4/6]
kruskymg 55 SPACE MARINE CHAPLAIN Priest 0 0 0 5,868,732 0 328 No Yes Secronom Bunker Guard Mesh [exterminatormeshgt 24/24] 18,296,316
[k50m 8/8/8]

[fmmitrail 8/8/8]

[survivorsgm94 8/8/8]
lordvader 286 TERMINATOR SQUAD Scavenger 0 0 0 171,608,568 0 40,989 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [duskreactive 21/23] 3,913,136,567 No Weapon
[duskenforcer 8/7/8]

[bloodymachete 8/8/8]
mai wang 50 SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN Musician 0 0 0 5,817,236 0 503 No Yes Secronom Bunker Dawn Breaker Guard [exterminatorreactivext 24/24] 10,187,246
[bm14savage 8/7/7]

[pocketcannon 8/8/8]

[grinder 8/8/8]
rellikrad289 123 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Lawyer 0 0 0 50,632,284 0 8,877 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker Doom Trooper [exterminatorreactivext 24/24] 345,119,102
[impalercrossbow 7/8/8]

[junker6 7/8/7]

[sandscorcher 8/8/8]
Richard10 106 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Fireman 0 0 0 16,180,051 4,440 9,926 No Yes Secronom Bunker HOPE [exterminatormeshgt 24/24] 227,048,841
[butchersaw 6/6/5]

[frostshotfx50 4/8/5]

[eggsplodermm1 8/8/8]
Saora 184 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Lawyer 0 0 0 174,480,320 160 10,168 No Yes Secronom Bunker [exterminatormeshgt 17/17] 775,031,811
[harvesterofsorrow 7/6/1]

[scar9000 2/8/7]

[butchersaw 7/3/7]
Satan Child 119 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Athlete 0 0 0 51,149,292 200 7,803 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 23/23] 321,182,949
[xak47127 8/8/8]

[harvesterofsorrow 2/7/6]

[doubleshotaax 8/8/8]
Siegreyn 116 DEVASTATOR SQUAD Hunter 0 0 0 154,189,483 240 2,424 No Yes Secronom Bunker [tatakaureactive 22/24] 301,639,923
[tidebreaker 5/1/8]

[ironsight33f 2/4/3]

[scar9000 6/1/6]
Taiwan 169 ASSAULT SQUAD Priest 0 0 0 22,222,175 40 7,643 Yes Yes Secronom Bunker Ballistic Vest [kevlarvest 24/24] 670,811,293
[doomstar 8/8/8]

[corpseerruptor 8/8/8]

[corpsepiercer 8/8/8]


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